Cukráreň Esso Pod Vežou

2 ratings
$$ • Deli
Reported NOT to have a gluten-free menu, but gluten-free options are available
Reported gluten-free menu items: Cakes, Dessert, Ice Cream, Ice Cream Cones
Námestie SNP 25/25
974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Most Recent Reviews

Symptomatic Celiac
1 year ago

Nedoporučujem Glutén Free no istá kontaminácie koláče a spôsob manipulácie pre bezlepkacov nevhodné

Is there a gluten-free menu?
  • — No gluten-free information on the menu
Symptomatic Celiac
1 year ago

- Gluten free cones, Ice Cream and occasionally also cakes and desserts - Bezlepkové kornútky, zmrzlina a občas aj torty a zákusky

Is there a gluten-free menu?
  • — No gluten-free information on the menu


This establishment is NOT a dedicated gluten-free facility and may not be safe for those with celiac disease. Please contact the establishment directly to inquire about safety precautions.
Information contained in this listing is based on reports by the community. Please verify all information directly with the establishment.


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