They have both gluten free and dairy free options. The good was delicious.
— No gluten-free information on the menu
— Some
— Excellent
Love this place! I eat here all the time with celiac and I have never gotten sick.
— Very
— No gluten-free information on the menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
The owner is very compassionate about gluten and dairy allergies. He takes great care when informed of an allergy and just asks that you call ahead 15 or more minutes before coming
— Some
— Excellent
Just to akert people... Please don't open the link to the menu, it contains malware. I have it on my phone and trying to get rid of it. The restaurant sounds awesome but not the malware.
Told me I could have everything but naan and was very understanding of my allergy! I didn’t get sick at all. I’ll be back for sure
— Most/All
— Excellent
Owner is knowledgeable of gluten allergy. Naan was placed separately so I may go e it to my non gluten free companions.
Very large quantity of food.
— Somewhat
— Most/All
— Excellent
Very knowledgeable and cautious. Great food!
great innovative food and a unique alternative for the Amarillo scene.
GREAT authentic Indian Food. Almost everything is gluten-free minus the Naan Bread & fried items. TJ and Mollie cook almost everything in a skillet which keeps cross-contamination low from the naan bread and the fryer is in a different location. Mollie assured me as a celiac, I'm good to eat here. I've eaten there three times and not gotten sick.The Butter Chicken & Chicken Biri-Yani are excellent!!!