This restaurant is a great stop for a quick meal if you're traveling on I40 and need a place to stop for a gluten free meal
I’ve had the original Petro, vegetarian Petro, original nachos, and vegan nachos with no reaction.
— Somewhat
— Most/All
— Good
I love Petros! Almost everything is gluten-free and they are very safety conscious. My favorite is their grilled chicken nachos but I have also had their baked potatoes and chili. They have converted me to sweet tea with oranges in it; it's a must try.
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
Petra is completely gluten-free. This is fast food, but she will see on the menu. Everything is marked gluten-free.
— Very
— Most/All
— Excellent
Friendly service, food is oké. Nice to be able to have a a fast easy option that is gluten free by default.
— Somewhat
— Some
— Good
Same as other Petros. Chili is GF. Several options.
— Very
— Some
— Excellent