184 ratings
Budapest, Paulay Ede u. 6, 1061 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
118 ratings
Budapest, Király u. 58, 1068 Hungary
$$ • Pizza Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
21 ratings
Budapest, Csévi u. 7, 1025 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
113 ratings
Budapest, Hajós u. 27, 1065 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
18 ratings
Budapest, Vásárhelyi Pál u. 2, 1114 Hungary 1114
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
63 ratings
Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 25, 1065 Hungary
$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
98% of 59 votes say it's celiac friendly
14 ratings
Budapest, Deák Ferenc u. 3, 1051 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 8 votes say it's celiac friendly
5 ratings
Budapest, Kertész u. 33, 1073 Hungary
$$ • Pub
GF Menu
100% of 5 votes say it's celiac friendly
6 ratings
Budapest, Hollán Ernő u. 5, 1136 Hungary
$$ • Vegan Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 5 votes say it's celiac friendly
4 ratings
Budapest, Semmelweis u. 1-3, 1052 Hungary
$$ • Lebanese Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
8 ratings
Budapest, Kertész u. 48, 1073 Hungary
$ • Pizza Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 5 votes say it's celiac friendly
3 ratings
Budapest, Wesselényi u. 13, 1077 Hungary
$$ • Bar
No GF Menu
100% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
3 ratings
Budapest, Belgrád rkp. 16, 1056 Hungary
$$$ • Greek Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
5 ratings
Budapest, Üllői út 149, 1091 Hungary 1091
$ • Bakery
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
3 ratings
Budapest, Hunyadi tér 11, 1067 Hungary
$ • Vegan Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
2 ratings
Budapest, Frankel Leó út 21-23, 1023 Hungary
$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
3 ratings
Budapest, Orlay u. 1, 1114 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant, Bar
No GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
1 rating
Budapest, Thököly út 6, 1184 Hungary 1184
$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Corvin sétány 2/C, 1082 Hungary
$$$ • Mexican Restaurant
No GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Pozsonyi út 43, 1137 Hungary
$$ • Bar
No GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Bartók Béla út 40, 1111 Hungary
$$ • Pizza Restaurant
GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Kálvin tér 7, 1091 Hungary
$$ • Pub
GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Kazinczy u. 14, 1075 Hungary
$$ • Bar
No GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Király u. 13, 1075 Hungary
$$ • Bistro
GF Menu
1 rating
Budapest, Madách Imre út 3, 1075 Hungary
$$ • Cafe
No GF Menu
10 ratings
Diósd, Gyár u. 40, 2049 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
15 ratings
Gödöllő, Szabadság út 4, 2100 Hungary 2100
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
10 ratings
Budapest, Szentendrei út 36/a, 1033 Hungary
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Beer is mentioned in comments
9 ratings
Budapest, Csanády u. 4/B, 1132 Hungary 1132
$$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Beer is mentioned in comments
10 ratings
Budapest, Ráday u. 3, 1092 Hungary 1092
$$ • Bakery
GF Menu
100% of 7 votes say it's celiac friendly
Beer is mentioned in comments
3 ratings
Budapest, PP Center 79, 1033 Hungary 1033
$$ • Bakery
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Beer is mentioned in comments