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Symptomatic Celiac

Has anyone tried the certified gluten free Digiornio Pizza?

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    gfhank970 Yes. Good for a frozen pizza.

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    GlutenFreeE My husband and I tried it! It was pretty good and had a thicker crust than a lot of other GF pizzas.

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    GFCarrie I’ve been nervous about the process of removing gluten.

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    abby160385 Its amazing !!

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    Joni Not a fan of

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    dani0412 Where is the best place to find this? I have been looking all over. 2 replies

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    vj3952 My daughter and I loved it!

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    mamabear3107 I did and it’s A-MAZ-ING! It’s like a normal pizza crust which I haven’t had in 10+ years! It’s worth it

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    kathy54974 Check for modified food starch/it is flour

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    savannah24348 I love this pizza! It is amazing! The bread is thick and chewier than regular pizza. Overall it’s really good!

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    grace89584 Best place to find it is Target, but I've finally started seeing it elsewhere. It is hands-down the BEST GF pizza available. The box also just started boasting that it no longer contains wheat, so it's not even gluten-removed-wheat anymore, wheat free!

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    ldjune GF Freschetta is better

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    stacy174862 I prefer the California Pizza Kitchen gluten free ones. They crisp up better in the middle.

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    celiacboy84797 NOT CELIAC SAFE, they do some bs “gluten removal” so it is technically gluten free but it still tests positive for the proteins