Does anyone know if rice crispy treats are gluten free? One person told me that they do not have gluten and when eating them that they don’t have a reaction. But a person with celiac said they can not have them because they have gluten.
Ellyse There is malt in Rice Crispies and so they are not gluten free.
GlutenFreeE Rice Crispies (the cereal brand) are not gluten free, you can usually find off-brand versions that are labeled gluten free though, or you can order them on Amazon!
ciciglutenfree If you’re looking for a gf alternative, the MadeGood brand has very good rice crispy treats! 4 replies
debbie126602 Aldi brand is gf
brenda87326 Walmart brand are gluten free.
amceliac310 rice crispies contain malt so they’re not gluten free. for substitutes, try the whole foods brand rice crispy cereal and for rice crispy treats, the annie’s brand is really good.
carol84882 Rice crispy treats are not gluten free unless it says so on the package. Rice crispies are made with barley malt. This has gluten in it. Only treats made both gluten free “brown rice” crispies are gluten free. Don’t be fooled by the name, “rice.”
tony82858 You can make your own gf version very simple to make. Let me know if you want the recipe
bobc Kellogg’s are not GF, but ALDI’s is.
lisa2673 Kellogg’s made a gluten-free version of Rice Krispies for a little while but I haven’t seen them in stores for at least 7 years. If you’re looking for pre-made treats instead of homemade, Annie’s makes them—five treat in a box and possibly a bigger value pack. Starbucks also sells them as an individual serving, not in their bakery case, they’re usually packaged in a cellophane wrapper near the register.
krista58343 I do well with the Walmart bakery ones. Not sure if they are technically gluten free but they don’t bother me
dkpill No. They have malt in them.
kimberly96267 They aren’t gluten free unfortunately 😩 I did try the gluten free one at Starbucks not bad 1 reply
elisa73966 Whole Foods 365 brand is gluten free, made with brown rice and make a delicious rice crispy treat.
ldjune Wegmans brand is.
Evie2013 NOT GF malt flavoring
nancy94044 we found that the house brand of crispy rice cereal at Safeway doesn’t have malt in it- so GF, and made our own.