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Symptomatic Celiac

Visiting Italy soon & I heard it’s wonderful there for celiac disease but am wondering if anyone has any tips or recommendations? Traveling to Rome, Florence, Turin, and Venice. Thanks!

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    sharnaf Italy is brilliant for GF! Even GF McDonalds!

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    rebekah86245 Make sure you know how to pronounce do you have anything gluten free on the menu,my family and I went to Italy a couple of years ago and they kept thinking we wanted things for free lol

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    patrice1998 I have a card in Italian that states my inability to eat gluten. Google it.

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    kathy2797 Pantha Rei in Rome was great. Ristorante Lorenzo de’ Medici in Florence.

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    yolanda48332 We are in Palermo and it is fantastic for GF!!!

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    janelle39926 You can easily buy GF cereal, bread, pasta, crackers and biscuits in supermarkets. We weren’t travelling in the areas you mentioned but I did find GF pizzas at restaurants occasionally

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    sarah9672 Note the reason why Italy & Ireland are so great is because they have known about the Celiac disease longer than we have in the States and basically we have been “behind the times” but are working hard to catch up. They test their kids in school and then adults! Wish the States would get on board with that idea

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