1011 College Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Bakery
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Featured review snippet "The best part, you'd never know it's gluten free!"
925 Corporate Center Pkwy, Santa Rosa, CA 95407
$$ • Takeout Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Featured review snippet "Three Leaves produces great food that is 100% GF."
295 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
$ • Restaurant
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Featured review snippet "This was also our first time finding a dedicated GF restaurant that our daughter likes, she's celiac, so that was also excellent."
8059 La Plaza, Cotati, CA 94931
$$ • Bakery
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Featured review snippet "A new business opened this week (late May 2024)—a dedicated gluten-free bakery in Cotati, California."
1311 Washington St, Calistoga, CA 94515
$$ • Bakery, At the Farmers Market
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
Featured review snippet "Can be found in several Napa valley stores or at the farmers market in Calistoga"
1169 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Thai Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The frier is not dedicated GF so they prepared everything pan fried."
1055 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$$ • New American Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Dominic our server was very helpful answering my questions about the items on the gluten free menu and cross contact."
3 safety ratings
3115 Porter Creek Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The chef has celiac, so the majority of the menu is gluten free, including the Mac n cheese, the only things that AREN'T gf are bread rolls and the desserts."
3 safety ratings
75 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Italian Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Any pasta dish can be made GF with GF penne in place of the standard pasta that dish would come with."
2 safety ratings
6970 McKinley St, Sebastopol, CA 95472
$$ • Vegan Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "They have many delicious gluten -free options available!"
2 safety ratings
280 Mission Blvd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
$$ • Italian Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "They prepare it in a separate area."
4330 Barnes Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
$$$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Good service and when I told them I had a gluten allergy and asked to notify the kitchen, our waiter had no concerns."
2478 West 3rd Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Tell them you are gluten free, and they will make sure your order is only gluten free!"
1129 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95407
$$ • Peruvian Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "A wonderful Peruvian restaurant with numerous gluten-free options, include fried seafood, plantains, and yucca."
521 Adams St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$$ • Steakhouse
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "This is a wonderful spot for a gluten free individual."
420 1st St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$ • Brewery
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Some of the best GF beer I’ve had."
2 safety ratings
135 4th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "One of the better GF pizzas in town. Always recommend. Always safe."
2 safety ratings
100 Pythian Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
$$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The chef and kitchen staff went above and beyond to make adjustments to each dish so that I could try everything, and they were knowledgeable about the ingredients and cross contamination."
2 safety ratings
1950 Piner Rd #110, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
$$ • Sushi Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The chef is very knowledgeable of gluten free options."
2 safety ratings
112 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "They offer gluten free toast but it’s toasted with regular bread."
3 safety ratings
1415 Town and Country Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Make their own GF buns for the sliders."
3 safety ratings
401 South A Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "If you have celiac’s and are visiting the Santa Rosa area, you MUST visit The Spinster Sisters."
3 safety ratings
400 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Nearly everything is GF and the staff was super knowledgeable."
19 safety ratings
308 Wilson St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "They provided a separate GF menu and asked if I was celiac."
3 safety ratings
435 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$ • Cafe
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "This restaurant was friendly about my gluten free needs."
2 safety ratings
2688 Santa Rosa Ave Unit B, Santa Rosa, CA 95407
$ • Fast Food Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "They are great with celiacs and gluten free dietary people."
2 safety ratings
390 Coddingtown Mall, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$ • Natural Foods Store
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "very knowledgeable employees, they use to have celiac meetings once per quarter of the year."
2 safety ratings
1452 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$ • Fast Food Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "I have been coming to Chick Fil A for a few years and never been sick."
2 safety ratings
555 Healdsburg Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Gf everything bagel breakfast sandwiche was the bomb!"
1401 Fulton Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "I’ve gone here many times and there is a ton of food items marked as GS or GF."
3579 Industrial Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
$$ • Hamburger Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Was very accommodating for my Wife’s keto requests."
2765 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$$ • Mexican Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Only the flour tortillas and red sauce has gluten in it… they double checked my order with the chef and were very nice and helpful."
3381 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
$$ • Vietnamese Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "While they don’t label what’s gluten free they are accommodating to allergies if you request."
266 Coddingtown Center, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$ • Bakery
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Went in for a look because I loved the name, didn't expect them to have gluten free but they do!"
1537 Farmers Ln, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$ • Deli
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Togos has a new full sized GF wrap that you can put any sandwich into, except the meatball because that's not gluten free."
2100 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95407
$ • Grocery Store
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Many GF items in stock. Great prices."
463 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$ • Bakery
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Most important to me was that I could eat ALL of my wedding cake so it was 100% gluten free."
107 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$ • Thai Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Both severs were very knowledgeable and confident about making things gluten free."
610 3rd St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Barbecue Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Fried items are not safe, but the sauces are all safe for the meats!"
5 safety ratings
557 Summerfield Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$$ • Cafe
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The waitress was knowledgeable about celiac and told me the grill may not be safe, but everything else on the gluten free menu was celiac safe."
3 safety ratings
714 Village Court, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$$$ • Mediterranean Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The server had already checked my reservation and knew I was gluten free before coming to our table."
4 safety ratings
208 Wilson St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
$$$ • French Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "They offer a gluten free menu and the staff is very knowledgeable and friendly."
12 safety ratings
1202 W Steele Ln, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
$$ • Vietnamese Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "When I asked how they prepare gluten free items for celiac customers, they said their level of prep depends on how sensitive you are."
5 safety ratings
740 Farmers Ln, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "I was driving through and came off a yelp review from someone who said celiac and was very happy."
8 safety ratings
1780 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Deli, Sandwiches
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Celiac, and sensitive to cross contamination and I didn’t get get sick."
6 safety ratings
1965 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Vietnamese Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Any time a server uses the word cross contamination, it's a good sign."
4 safety ratings
2015 Elizabeth Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$ • Pizza Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "Order a baking tray for the gf crust and it’s prepared separately."
3 safety ratings
2350 Midway Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$$$ • Thai Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "My absolute favorite is the Massaman Curry with veggies so I almost always order that and have never had any issues, but I'm not Celiac, so take that into consideration."
3 safety ratings
90 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
Featured review snippet "The waitress was knowledgable about celiac as well as gluten free and they have several items to choose from."
2 safety ratings
935 Gravenstein Ave. South, Sebastopol, CA 95472
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
Featured review snippet "I have celiac and have to be really careful."