Located at 2205 sw 23rd Avenue, Miami is OH MY GOSH! Brigadeiros – Florida’s first Brigadeiro Boutique. Here, the time-honoured Brazilian confectionary is brought straight to you, made with only the finest ingredients and sheer passion. Traditional brigadeiros, unique brigadeiros, born right here in the boutique – OH MY GOSH! Brigadeiros has it all, and it’s here waiting for you. Try our variety of cakes, coffees, luxurious ring cappuccinos and enticing gift option– what better way to treat your

Located at 2205 sw 23rd Avenue, Miami is OH MY GOSH! Brigadeiros – Florida’s first Brigadeiro Boutique. Here, the time-honoured Brazilian confectionary is brought straight to you, made with only the finest ingredients and sheer passion. Traditional brigadeiros, unique brigadeiros, born right here in the boutique – OH MY GOSH! Brigadeiros has it all, and it’s here waiting for you. Try our variety of cakes, coffees, luxurious ring cappuccinos and enticing gift option– what better way to treat your

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6 years ago

Oh My Gosh Brigadeiros

2205 SW 23rd Ave, Miami, FL 33145