Sehr gutes gf Brot und Backwaren. Die Kuchen waren nicht unser Geschmack dafür waren die knusperstangen und das Croissant umso besser. Ein Muss wenn man in der Nähe ist. Danke an die Backbrüder.
100% glutenfree bakery. I arrived ca. 15 minutes after opening. There were only sweet pastries (I wanted to have breakfast and preferred salty things). I had something with chocolate and a plain croissant. Both were tasty but the croissant was amazing 👏 bought some "pizza rolls" for take away, those are also very tasty. About 20 mins by tram from the main trainstation. The girl spoke English, absolutely no issue with the service.
Sehr leckere Brote und Kuchen mit dem üblichen üppigen Preisaufschlag für Glutenfreie Produkte. Trotzdem volle Empfehlung.