Find Me Gluten Free Premium

What you get with PREMIUM

  • "Most Celiac Friendly", "Claimed by Owner", and "Dedicated Fryer" filters

    Quickly find exactly what you are looking for

  • Better map experience

    Different map pins for dedicated GF businesses

  • Collections

    Create collections with custom places of interest

  • No in-app ads!

    Get right to the information you want

$19.99 USD per year

Why we're offering a Premium subscription

We're a small team working hard to make Find Me Gluten Free the best it can be. Every Premium subscription helps us continue maintaining and improving the platform.

Family Plan

We also have a family plan that we only offer here. The family plan allows you to add 4 family members in addition to yourself for a total price of $29.99 USD per year.


If you subscribe on our website (instead of via the App Store or Google Play), you get Premium access on our app on any of your devices, regardless if they're on the same platform/Apple ID/Google Account.

Looking to give Premium as a gift?