Menu was easy to understand, burger was really good including the bun.
— Somewhat
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Some
— Excellent
BBB has gluten free proteins, buns, and a book of ingredients. Very helpful!
My side salad came with croutons on it, but this was obviously a kitchen mistake. (Hence the 4 star for safety)
Good gluten free bun. Will eat again!
— Somewhat
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
I am pescatarian, dairy and gluten free and they made it easy for me to order. There menus are laminated so you can take a marker and mark everything you want to make the order easy. There beyond burgers are gluten free as well. The if you’re going to get the anything fried they do cross contaminate I’m the fryer.
— Very
— Most/All
— Excellent