Very good food, and seemed safe! They had procedures in place for people with gluten allergies/celiac disease, and they brought mine out on a separate tray.
— Very
— Most/All
— Excellent
Very good and many gf options
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
got glutened
— Not at all
— Not Much/None
— Poor
— Very
— Excellent
Not everything on the menu is gluten free, but the majority of it is, and they are very good about keeping things separate. Just tell them you have a gluten allergy and they will handle it accordingly.
They will say they can’t guarantee no cross-contamination, but every restaurant says that as a disclaimer. They put in a reasonable effort to keep things separate and I’ve found it to be one of the most reliable GF places in Salem.
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Some
— Excellent
Obsessed with this place! Large portions and totally celiac safe.
— Very
— Most/All
— Good
Such great staff and so helpful! Always a go to!
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent