De IJsput
1 rating
$ • Ice Cream Shop
Reported to have a gluten-free menu
Retersbekerweg 53A
6343 PJ Klimmen, Netherlands
Most Recent Reviews
Heerlijk glutenvrij ijs! Vele smaken. Geen glutenvrije hoorntjes. Medewerkers zijn goed op de hoogte. Lepel wordt extra schoongemaakt en handen gewassen.
How confident are you that this establishment takes safety precautions against cross-contact?
— Very
Safety Feature Ratings
- Staff is knowledgeable and can answer questions
- Staff will clean kitchen space or change gloves if asked
Quality & Quantity
How much of the menu is available gluten-free?
— Most/All
How would you rate the taste and quality of the gluten-free food you tried?
— Excellent
Other Characteristics
- Good for kids
- Good for takeout
- Offers outdoor seating
More Info