Absolutely amazing. The worker immediately asked if I was celiac and walked me through their process of preventing cross contamination. All their cones / waffles are gf, but there are some flavors that contain gluten so they scoop from the back. I have never felt this safe eating at an ice cream place that isn’t dedicated gf. Worth a stop!!!
Sehr freundliche Mitarbeiterin die sich super auskennt und auch nach anderen Allergien fragt. Waffeln, Creps, Kuchen und Eis alles glutenfrei! Geschmack und Preis sind klasse. Für Menschen mit Zöliakie haben sie extra Eisbehälter welche abgedeckt sind damit keine Kreuzkontamination entsteht. Besteck wird sofort nach der Entnahme gereinigt. Sehr zu empfehlen.
I found this place with the app and was very happy about all the options. They make every waffle and pancake glutenfree so there‘s no contamination by the waffle iron for example. They also have ice cream, brownies, toast etc. Most importantly the lady who works there does really know about celiac desease and they even avoid contamination by air, so they avoid opening glutenfree and non-glutenfree containers at the same time. I had a waffle and an espresso and was really happy. Would definitely recommend!
Henkilökunta tiesi keliakiasta ja kuinka tarkkaa on ettei tule jäämiä gluteenista Tilasin vohveleita ja tekivät toisetkin annokset ilman gluteenia, että voimme halutessamme maistella toistemme annoksia Kaikki vohvelit ja wrapit olivat gluteenittomia. Palvelu oli erinomaista ja asiantuntevaa
Also called “Scoffi Gelateria Italiana” - tons of flavor options, individually wrapped GF cones, and scoops ice cream from the back to avoid CC. A nice little stop with a good, sweet treat!
they also offer GF crepes, waffles, and toasts - almost everything is GF except for the occasion gluten flavor of ice cream. All gluten is handled in a separate area.
Very good gelato, and they even have a gluten free cone! Staff is very knowledgeable and helpful so there won’t be any cross contamination. I will definitely go back again while I’m still here. Make sure you have euros as credit cards not accepted.