Joe Boccardi's
2 ratings
$$ • Pizza Restaurant
Reported to have a gluten-free menu
Reported gluten-free menu items: Pizza
Safety Rating
2 ratings
As rated by the community
958 Brookwood Center
Fenton, MO 63026
Most Recent Reviews
No gluten free menu, but options are available and they are very helpful when you call or ask in person.
How confident are you that this establishment takes safety precautions against cross-contact?
— Somewhat
Quality & Quantity
How much of the menu is available gluten-free?
— Most/All
How would you rate the taste and quality of the gluten-free food you tried?
— Good
It was really good and the food was delicious
How confident are you that this establishment takes safety precautions against cross-contact?
— Very
Safety Feature Ratings
- Staff is knowledgeable and can answer questions
Quality & Quantity
Is there a gluten-free menu?
— No gluten-free information on the menu
How much of the menu is available gluten-free?
— Some
How would you rate the taste and quality of the gluten-free food you tried?
— Excellent
More Info