An ice cream truck with all the outdoor amenities to keep you warm, offering you board games, and a small playground that is perfect for kids and pets as well. Found this on my gluten free app and this place did not disappoint. The husband and wife were extremely sweet and offered excellent customer service to top off their delicious dairy and gluten free products. Their coffee was amazing - they put a special ice in to not dilute the rich coffee flavor while offering a cool drink. I got the sorbet with mango, guava and dragon/passion fruit and it was divine! Highly recommended, and perfect dessert after going to Salt Lick!
We enjoyed ice cream here now twice with our celiac daughter and had a great experience! Their ingredients are very fresh (no carageenen, corn syrup etc). They also offer several amazing dairy free options. The only ice cream with gluten is cookies and cream, and when I mentioned our allergy the owners took care to avoid cross contamination. Highly recommend!