Went late so they were sold out of donuts- got the taiyaki with custard and a matcha latte with boba. Taiyaki was the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth would drive 2 hours again just for that. Matcha was very strong and flavorful and boba actually had flavor. Incredible first experience even at the end of the day would probably lose my mind if I went early and got donuts
Walked in and could order ANYTHING. Their foods are delicious, the merch is precious. I wish I had tried the drinks, but I'm gonna go back someday.
Get the multitasking of donuts for later and get the taiyaki sundae! My gluten-eating companions still rave about the ice cream.
I loved these so much I had a coworker pick up an online order when she went to Austin.
Utterly delicious, but 3 out of 3 times I’ve gotten violently ill after eating.
The past couple days I’ve been in Austin this is by far my favorite thing I ate on this trip. It was almost too cute to eat, the Taiyaki Sundae. I really had to practice self control not to buy a dozen donuts just for myself, but I couldn’t resist fully and bought two on top of that absolute sugar monstrosity of a sundae I ate. It was worth it though, I know taiyaki and mochi donuts is a very hard thing to find gluten free