Very good gluten free crust, and their pizzas are always marked with gluten free when they are served. They also have other gf options.
— Somewhat
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Some
— Excellent
All pizzas can be made gf. I ordered a pizza with ham
— Somewhat
— Most/All
— Average
Servers were very considerate of my glutenintolerance, ánd of my partners service dog. If I'm ever hungry in Oslo again I'd go there! No symptoms afterwards, so it was safe enough for me :)
The time waiting for food is very long, 40+ minutes, but the food is good. All pizza's could be made with gluten-free bottom.
— Somewhat
— Some
— Excellent
Small pizza, okay for maybe 1 person
They got glutenfree pizza here, but not glutenfree hamburgerbread, which peppes normally got and is written in their menu. Easy to understand menu, but got disappointed when they didn't have all the glutenfree alternatives in the menu.
— Very
— Not Much
— Excellent