I don't like misrepresentations from businesses, and I don't like getting sick as a consequence.Bakeries that plaster GLUTEN-FREE all over their signs and promise that their baked goods are gluten-free need to make their food safe. I understand "gluten-free" looks like another "healthy" trend, another cash cow...but it's not; people actually have celiac's disease, they actually have wheat/rye/barley allergies; they actually get sick.I purchased a blueberry muffin at Rebecca's at the stand at the Campbell Farmer's Market; I ate it and immediately had a reaction: hands and feet started tingling, I started getting a wicked headache, started walking into corners as my mind got foggy and fatigue hit me.They use shared equipment; they use the same facilities -- and then they sell their gluten-free foods from trays literally in the middle of gluten-full baked goods: flanked on two sides by gluten items. Handling is careless; I had to remind the seller to not wave around the gluten goods right over and across the supposedly gf items.I would counsel anybody with any kind of gluten issue to stay far, far away from this business.