Nossa, a pizza é muito boa! O picadinho também!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
It's a glúten free bakery, but, beyond that, they also sell meals, hamburgers, pizzas...
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
O nome do estabelecimento mudou. Agora chama Saucker. Continua seguro e tudo muito gostoso.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
Excelente opções para café da manhã, almoço, sobremesa, lanche e jantar. Completo e seguro para celíacos.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Good
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
É uma padaria inaugurada recentemente. Inclusiva, artesanal, sem glúten e sem lácteos. Instagram: @seleve_bsb
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent