Es gibt glutenfreies Brot! Separat gelagert und in Verpackung gelagert.
Bei der Zubereitung sollte darauf geachtet werden dass es keine Kreuzkontamination gibt ggf. Angestellte darauf hinweisen (z.b. Handschuhe wechseln…)
Hat gut geschmeckt und würde auch wieder dort essen.
The gluten-free sandwiches come from the freezer in plastic bags, but the employee takes them out with dirty gloves and starts putting them on a clean paper on a counter with lots of bread crumbs. This means the paper gets contaminated on the outside which is a problem because they fold the paper. The bread goes in the oven simultaneously with other bread. The buckets that contain ingredients contain crumbs. So this is definitely not celiac safe. In the end I told them this was not good and left without finalizing the order.