Friendly staff and delicious treats!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Everything is delicious! It’s hard to believe it is gluten free! We especially love the mini cupcakes for the variety.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
So moist and yummy cupcakes! The cookies were incredible! I thought a good value compared to other gf bakeries I’ve gone to around the country! Great selection! Friendly staff! Parking - not so convenient- I wish they had a spot by their store
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Always a great experience when i go! My favorite spot for goodies
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
What an amazing bakery. They have cookies, brownies cupcakes monkey bread, cake slices and more, they offer dairy free and vegan options as well. The desserts were some of the best I have had, they do not taste gluten free at all! The cupcake choices were so fun and they can make mini options for orders. They are fully dedicated gluten free! Location in Ridgefield and Westport.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
So delighted that they’ve switched over to being a dedicated gluten free bakery. Everything is amazing at the cakebox!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
The entire bakery is gluten free. It’s a celiac paradise. For those that are lactose intolerant tolerant, they offer a variety of vegan baked goods as well.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Hands down the best gluten free cakes and cupcakes around! Quite pricey but 100% worth it for special occasions and indulgences! The chocolate chip cookies are sinfully good too! This bakery is also nut free and also offers vegan options.
— Very
— Most/All
— Excellent
Super good! They sell out quickly!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Never any issues at all- they are very cautious and seem to really care about allergies. gluten free means gluten free here! just leave some cupcakes for the rest of us lol. We get every birthday cake here too, but everything they sell is ridiculously delicious.
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
I’ve been going here for years for special occasions. They have a wonderful selection and everything is packed with flavor.
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
I went for the first time over the weekend and was blown away by their gluten free cupcake selection. There were at least 10 different varieties to choose from. I got three - coconut, red velvet, and funfetti. They were delicious and fun. I will be going back the next chance I get.
— Somewhat
— Some
— Excellent
You have to try the gluten free cakes and cupcakes. Best ever!!!! They make them Separately- gluten free ovens no cross contamination! Perfect for anyone with celiac disease!!
— Very
— Some
— Excellent
AMAZING. The vegan & gf cupcakes are as delicious as the “regular” ones. I would go back here every day if I could.
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
My go-to spot for gluten free dessert! They don't just have one or two gluten free cupcakes each day, they have a whole selection! The items are baked offsite but I believe they are made separately from the regular bakery goods as well. Great cupcakes and cake in general, not just by gf standards.
— Very
— Separate gluten-free menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
Delicious gluten free cupcakes!
— Very
— Separate gluten-free menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
The best gluten free cupcakes ever!! They have dedicated gf equipment. I have celiac and have never gotten sick here.
Amazing cupcakes! You can’t taste the difference. They take many measures to avoid cross contamination and I’ve never gotten sick. I also used to eat there before I had celiac so I’ve had the gluten and gluten free cupcakes and pre celiac I couldn’t taste the difference either.
Fantastic array of choices! Friendly and knowledgeable staff.