TUNAHOLIC fish bar
2 ratings
$$ • Seafood Restaurant
Reported to have a gluten-free menu
Safety Rating
2 ratings
As rated by the community
Ul. Svetog Eleuterija 6
52440, Poreč, Croatia
Most Recent Reviews
No problem with GF.
We had the rice bowl.
They have GF Sojsauce.
Nice waitress.
How confident are you that this establishment takes safety precautions against cross-contact?
— Somewhat
Quality & Quantity
How much of the menu is available gluten-free?
— Not Much/None
How would you rate the taste and quality of the gluten-free food you tried?
— Average
How confident are you that this establishment takes safety precautions against cross-contact?
— Very
Quality & Quantity
Is there a gluten-free menu?
— Separate gluten-free menu
How much of the menu is available gluten-free?
— Some
More Info