Dedicated gluten free, lactose free and the whole lot more free restaurant. Portions are big and the menu is classis hungarian!Highly recommended!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
Totally gluten free, I go there refularly, wide choicenof nive food. Love the place!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Exceptionally delicious and plentiful food, nice service, and the prices are okay. However, it takes at least half an hour to prepare a meal, which is worth keeping in mind.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
This restaurant is perfect. Every food don't included gluteen.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Szuper hely, nagyon jót ettünk, teljesen mentes konyha! Ajánlom mindenkinek!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Good
Abszolút ajánlom, többször jártam itt. minden nagyon finom, mindenre odafigyelnek.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
Hungarian/Italian/Mediterran cousin are available. You can choose some foofld with diary and non diary ingredients.
We eat lot kind of food.all of them were delicious.
Brassoi apropecsenye/ marhaporkolt/ varazs terasz tal/ natur grillcsirke / tortilla /Lazac ...
You must try...
Waiting time is long a bit, but all are fresh. If you can avoid peak time, it can be shorter.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
Great place, nice terrace. Fully gluten-free as is should be!
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
I go to this place a lot, they make delicious food that is totally safe for celiacs!!! They have all kinds of foods: hungarian, pizza, pasta, hamburger, tortilla… everything basically.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent
The complete restaurant is gluten-free. They also provide dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free options.
The prices are valuable.
The complete restaurant is gluten-free.
— Yes, the establishment is dedicated gluten-free
— Excellent