The pho is one of the best I’ve tried, but every time I eat it, my stomach is in shambles for a solid week.
— Not at all
— Not Much
— Excellent
Crowded and the service isn’t great but the food is good and they can do gluten-free and it’s reasonably priced. About a third of the menu is gluten-free. Lots of Vietnamese customers there which I guess is a good sign.
— Somewhat
— No gluten-free information on the menu
— Some
— Good
I called and they don’t have a gluten free menu and they “can pretty much try to make something like that. Not safe for celiacs.
— No gluten-free information on the menu
AMAZING Vietnamese food! There are soooo many GF options and the owner, Mahn, is more than happy to assist with navigating the menu. The pho is insanely good and the rice noodles are handmade, so they are light and fluffy. We add bok choy and other yummy veggies or sometimes a marrow bone. Delish! We also order the summer rolls and the shrimp crepes - all GF! Be sure to ask about their daily specials which are often GF as well. They also deliver all the way to me in Delray for only about $10!
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
It was nice to find this unique restaurant that offers healthy options with extremely knowledgeable employees serving delicious food.
— Very
— Most/All
— Excellent