Gluten-Free Everything Bagels

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UPC: 0864075000118
Gluten-Free Everything Bagels


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TheGreaterKnead Winner is @sue6272 🥯🎁 Our NY style bagels are chewy + delicious + top 9 allergen free. We're giving the gift of gluten-free goodness! One person will win a dozen bagels of their choice (3 packs of 4 bagels each = 12 bagels). There are 12 flavors to choose from including Plain, Everything, Cinnamon Raisin, Chocolate Chip, Onion, Tomato Basil, & more! To enter, like this post + comment which flavors caught your eye. Winner selected 12/24. We are a women owned natural products company. Made in the USA. Get 10% off your first purchase at The Greater Knead online shop. Tap sign up & enter your email on our website. Plus, save up to an additional 10% on 6+ items, and up to 20% on 9 or more items when you mix and match bagels/pretzels. Free Shipping available. 2 years ago


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    Laura The chocolate chip bagels are my all time favorite! 🥯🍫👏🏼

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    scary4167 Ooooh tomato basil and Everything

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    Hollmark Cinn raisin

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    cygnoir Tomato basil and chocolate chip. But not together!

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    steve143 Everything and Tomato Basil!

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    ATennelle Everything and chocolate chip!!

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    jeff7362 Tomato and basil and everything 😀

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    MMH9 I’m from NY and desperately miss REAL bagels. I’m going to have to try the Everything bagels!!

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    helloamandajo Cinnamon raisin, chocolate chip and everything!!! Yum! 🤤🤤🤤

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    cra27 Ooo tomato basil

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    zach6874 Cinnamon raisin

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    molly2154 Cinnamon raisin!! Love me something sweet to enjoy for breakfast

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    megan9505 Everything!!

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    KimZ831 Everything is my fav! Would love to try your brand

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    tessa310 Cinnamon Raisin!!!

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    angie8271 French toast sounds amazing!! I’ve never seen that flavor of bagel before. Everything and garlic and onion…so many great flavors!

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    Justine1591 Omg bagels! 😘. Chocalate chip and just plain bagels sound sooo good !

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    jenn2015 Cinnamon raisin!!!

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    gefjon Everything, Tomato Basil, and Chocolate Chip!

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    laura162132 I don’t think I’ve ever had a chocolate chip bagel. Will have to try them! I do love everything bagels!

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    ginah7351 Snickerdoodle, chocolate chip, and onion!!

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    jenn4663 cant go wrong with the classic plain, but chocolate chip has me intrigued!!

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    aubrey2292 All the bagels looks amazing!! Would love some cinnamon raisin to try!

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    meghan5124 Onion and everything!!! 😋

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    suzanne919 Everything!

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    Alissa324 Cinnamon raisin and everything sound SO GOOD!

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    will57 Everything bagel but gluten free? Let’s gooooio

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    jessica336 I miss onion bagels so much!! Would love to try those

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    Krub Tomato basil, garlic, and onion bagels all sound delicious… 😋

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    maddy10 chocolate chip!!!

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    Sixington I long for a good plain bagel to accept alllll the schmears!

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    alexandra9727 Tomato basil!!

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    anneshirley111 Chocolate chip and tomato basil catch my eye!

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    ethandla Cinnamon raisin!

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    Jenny340 Cinnamon raisin!

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    nataliebrie Plain, all about letting that bagel be the star

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    Tracy84 Chocolate chip! I haven’t had those in years!

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    shulin30 Everything and Onion …. and Chocolate Chip for those sweets-craving mornings 😋

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    lanik3 I’d love to try these. My daughter misses bagels so much. Most of them are crap! Lol. Has anyone tried these?

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    mrjason Plain caught my eye, but Chocolate Chip sounds even better.

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    Guy_Porter_III Everything is everything.

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    sawah22 everything!

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    charlotte48 chocolate chip, everything, and cinnamon raisin!!

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    ben8350 Everything and chocolate chip

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    TommieStyle Everything, plain, and French toast

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    glutenfreesacramento Snickerdoodle sounds like a winner as does the Salt Bagel. Back in my pre-celiac days in NYC, salt bagel with a smear of cream cheese from the bodega was the best.

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    elic Cinnamon sugar pretzel nuggets sure look tasty

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    MamaFlad Chocolate Chip and Everything! ❤️

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    Mercedes1989 Onion bagels are my favorite and so hard to find gf in stores! I tried making my own, and they were okay, but not quite oniony enough. Tomato basil sounds delightful as well!

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    lkad1997 Everything bagel!!

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    cagamble74 I’m a plain kinda girl, but I am open to trying new flavors. 🥯 👍 😋

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    michelle1230 Tomato basil bagel?! Amazing!!!!

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    bobc Can’t wait to try the cinnamon raisin and chocolate chip

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    Teresa Cinnamon raisin and everything!

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    SoCalChickLori Everything! 😍

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    tristan4773 Chocolate chip and everything!!

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    Tweedy Onion, Chocolate Chip, Everything 🙂

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    Dghoule Oh my gosh! They all sound so good. But cinnamon raisin sounds the best.

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    alexxisnankervis cinnamon raisin for sure!

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    karla2432 Cinnamon raisin are my favorite!

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    AmyLu tomato basil? delish!

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    Teresa466 tomato basil, everything, cinnamon,

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    blueshobby Nearly all of the flavors!

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    angiebenz Tomato basil sounds interesting. I’ve never had a bagel with that flavor. I bet it’s so good with cream cheese

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    jmill460 Cinnamon raisin and plain

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    joellensheldon Everything & Chocolate Chip! Yummo

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    jennao3 I love everything bagels and definitely want to try these

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    Joannie332 Tomato basil and chocolate chips.

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    lydia973 Can’t go wrong with a chocolate chip bagel!

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    Elizabeth399 Tomato basil and onion!

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    elizabeth3473 Cinnamon raisin !!! 😍😍

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    katie9405 Cinnamon raisin! But they all look good!

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    carsonjm Chocolate chip, definitely

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    jessica8201 Everything bagels are my favorite!

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    erin4103 Tomato basil and just plain sound yummy!

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    GreenBean79 Everything, onion and chocolate chip! Yum!

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    alyssa542 I love everything and cinnamon raisin

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    dawn choc chip

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    sue6272 Hmmm I love everything chocolate chip tomato basil

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    claudettefowler Oooo tomato basil sounds great

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    ed7628 cinnamon raisin sounds awesome

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    AmyVannestFowler I miss good NY style bagels. The chocolate chip and poppy seed sound so good!

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    heather3907 Everything!

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    sarah8641 Everything

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    Karenann22 Any of them sound yummy

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    thecroleys I love plain bagels!

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    jessica7367 Yum!!! The everything, chocolate chip, and tomato basil have definitely caught my eye!!!! Have never tried these but really want to now! Way to go ladies!

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    sandy10 Plain, cinnamon raisin and tomato Basil YUM! 👍🏻

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    amy3247 Onion and tomato basil sound delicious! 😋

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    alison6476 Everything, Cinnamon Raisin and Plain sound great!!

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    Jenny Definitely curious about the cinnamon raisin. We need a good gf bagel!

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    natalie4763 everything, cinnamon raisin, and tomato basil!

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    patty8247 everything and cinnamon raisin

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    jennifer5122 everything is a perennial fav flavor

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    jnell12 I need to try these.

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    emily7747 I love poppyseed bagels! the salt and cinnamon raisin bagels also look divine 💕

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    emily794 cinnamon raisin and everything 😋

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    April0422 Everything and Onion bagels! 🥯 😋

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    PhylzGF BAGELS!!! 😋

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    sandy4801 Tomato basil sounds amazing!,,

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    jennifer657 pumpkin and chocolate chip!

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    M_Law Cinnamon raisin

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    christine3979 Oh what choices! Cinnamon raisin, onion, chocolate chip.

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    christine3979 So many choices! 😱cinnamon raisin, onion and chocolate chip. So hard to choose!

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    christine01 Cinnamon raisin and plain

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    kassylady Cinn raisin, salt, snickerdoodle

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    feeshmilsop18 onion and everythingggg

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    AmandaK Chocolate swirl, chocolate chip, everything, onion and tomato basil

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    Sotelo Cinnamon Raisin and chocolate chip and onion

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    kari798 Can’t wait to share any of them with my mom and daughter! I say everything, mom says plain, and daughter says chocolate chip!

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    because2913 Everything bagels!

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    martha0428 oh heaven...a NY bagel! I'm not sure which flavor I would like best, but the tomato basil sounds intriguing!! I'm usually a poppy seed/sesame seed kind of girl, but I'm open to try something new, just bit onion, raisins, garlic and such. unfortunately they don't agree with me!!

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    tayscay Chocolate chip!!

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    lizzy746 tomato basil, cinnamon raisin and everything

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    aimee4601 Everything bagels here! Looks amazing!

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    Abe_lagrutta Everything and chocolate chip

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    sara1017 I’d like to try all of them! Mm tomato basil, chocolate chip 😳😍

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    chelsea1516 These look amazing! I’d love to try the cinnamon raisin and chocolate chip

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    HeathertLacy Onion and tomato basil 🌿🙌

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    destiny3428 Everything and cinnamon raisin ❤️

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    meganevans Tomato basil!!!

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    jonathan882 everything bagel!

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    angilalee1 Love a good cinnamon raisin bagel!

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    jennifer2179 Chocolate chip

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    danielle6475 Everything bagel!

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    danielle6475 Everything and tomato basil!

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    yaniv7427 tomato basil and everything @

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    reagan2111 Onion and tomato basil sound great!

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    jenna623 Everything bagels are the best!!!!!!

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    Cait Everything bagels all the way, but I am VERY intrigued by chocolate chip…

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    briella4428 Plain, tomato basil, and onion sound amazing! I've been searching for a good flavored gf bagel for a really long time so I'll have to give these a try!

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    HeatherD These sound amazing….been awhile since I’ve had GF bagels. They are hard to find here in MS.

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    ricka5800 I now cannot do fat very good because I have ibs and gallbladder removed so please help me.

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    TJD55 Cinnamon Raisin and Chocolate Chip!