evie29248 What is your favorite gluten free Mac & Cheese and why? I was just diagnosed celiac and Mac & Cheese is my favorite food. 2 months ago
Ellyse The Gf Kraft Mac and Cheese is so close to the original, it’s very good 1 reply
amelia32097 Annies has good Gf mac n cheese. I have Celiac and never had a problem with the cheddar or white cheddar. 1 reply
AmyLu I like Banza and Jovial, sometimes Daiya. I eat a lot of dairy free, even though I don't have to.
loganteryn Trader joe’s gluten free mac and cheese is THE BEST!! 1 reply
Tracy84 If you’re talking boxed, Kraft hands down. Annie’s leaves MUCH to be desired, I wouldn’t and don’t buy it even if only option.
The_GF_Chef Love Annie’s as well as jovial and banza. Super good. In my opinion the Kraft Mac and cheese tasted ok. Never ever get Annie’s deluxe it tastes like cardboard
adriglutenfree Box: Gluten free Kraft Mac and cheese Frozen: Trader Joe’s Gluten free Mac and cheese