Even in a bakery - we were able to get eggs, bacon, and fruit! Not great, but felt like it was a safe easy option.
— Somewhat
— Not Much
— Average
They have a gf wrap you can get request instead of bread for sandwiches (not listed on menu) and a few other options... love the super sweet chia latte
It’s a cute little corner bakery A bit expensive. It was mostly disappointed because the only thing gluten-free they had was bread.
— Somewhat
— Not Much/None
— Average
I have eaten here many time. They have a gluten free wrap option for the sandwiches, and salads. Delicious with no adverse side effects.
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Some
— Excellent
They serve sandwiches on gluten free bread
— Very
— Most/All
— Excellent
Walked in to Corner Bakery and they explained that they do not have anything available that is gluten free
— Not at all
— No gluten-free information on the menu
— Not Much/None
I knew going in I wouldn’t be able to get much, it’s just not the type of place that could manage that with their set up and offering, but I was hopeful I could get some yoghurt as we were on the run! The team were lovely, the granola in the parfait had oats in it (which I can’t eat) so they made me up a fresh tub of yoghurt with fruit to leave out the granola. For a coffee and a yoghurt stop it worked fine!
— Not at all
— No gluten-free information on the menu
— Not Much/None
— Below Average