Huge gluten free menu and fabulous sushi/soup and so many more options!
— Somewhat
— Separate gluten-free menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
Amazing knowledge of GF and amazing sushi!
— Very
— Separate gluten-free menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
I’ve been going here for years and they JUST made a gluten free menu for when you go in to sit down. (It’s probably bc I mention that I need my food gf)
— Somewhat
— Separate gluten-free menu
— Some
— Excellent
The staff is very knowledgeable about allergens and cross contamination. They take it very seriously and I didn’t get sick. The food is also delicious. You have to call to order allergen free items. It’s not an option with their online order. I personally feel better talking to someone anyways.
— Very
— No gluten-free information on the menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
This restaurant actually has a real gf menu! They are very kind and helpful.
— Very
— Separate gluten-free menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
One of our favorites ! Very familiar with GF cooking and will individualize meals for us. Love them
I was excited to eat here based on the reviews. My first experience was great and the service seemed knowledgeable but I felt sick afterwards. Upon coming a second time today I noticed as I was eating one of their sushi rolls that part of the inside had been fried. After I asked, they confirmed it was in regular flour tempura fried. This was after they plated everything separately, and used separate utensils and GFSPEEDY soy sauce. The waitress was nice, but none of the kitchen staff treated it like it was important at all. Very sick for the second time in a row after eating there. Will not return.
I don't think I would be willing to eat at Kobayashi again, not without talking to them first. It might be worthwhile to go back and have a conversation with them about cross contamination. I don't think they understand that part of the process.
The staff was very knowledgeable about what ingredients were gluten free and were able to help me pick out menu items with no issues. They did have GF soy sauce as well.
I got extremely sick after eating there. I was newly diagnosed and didn't think to ask about their preparation practices. I would bet they cook it on the same grill and roll it with the same mats. They've taken the time to educate themselves on what ingredients are gluten free. I might go in and talk to them at some point to see how they prepare the Sushi to see if we can make it safer. That was two years ago and I'm still not ready to chance it.
Gluten free soy sauce, will make sushi gluten and dairy free if needed