3 ratings
Konstanzerstrasse 13, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
$ • Bakery, Cafe
Reported to be dedicated gluten-free
4 ratings
Seestrasse 45, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
28 ratings
Wiesenstraße 4, 78462 Konstanz, Germany 78462
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 23 votes say it's celiac friendly
10 ratings
Hieronymusgasse 6, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Latin Restaurant
GF Menu
90% of 10 votes say it's celiac friendly
9 ratings
Neugasse 44, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Cafe
GF Menu
100% of 9 votes say it's celiac friendly
7 ratings
Marktstätte 5, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Ice Cream Shop
No GF Menu
100% of 7 votes say it's celiac friendly
5 ratings
Brauneggerstraße 31, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Cafe
No GF Menu
100% of 5 votes say it's celiac friendly
7 ratings
Sigismundstraße 14, 78462 Konstanz, Germany 78462
$$ • Indian Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
4 ratings
Hussenstraße 28, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Creperie
GF Menu
100% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
3 ratings
Bodanstraße 8, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$ • Italian Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
3 ratings
Döbelestraße 3, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$ • Vietnamese Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
3 ratings
Sigismundstraße 12, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$$ • Sushi Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
2 ratings
Wessenbergstraße 8, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Cafe
GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
2 ratings
Bodanstraße 10, 78462 Konstanz, Germany 78462
$$ • Deli, Sandwiches
No GF Menu
50% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
2 ratings
Bodanstraße 20-26, 78462 Konstanz, Germany 78462
$$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
2 ratings
Inselgasse 18, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
No GF Menu
2 ratings
Seestrasse 2, 8598 Bottighofen, Switzerland
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
2 ratings
Wessenbergstraße 41, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • German Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
2 ratings
Reichenaustraße 2, 78467 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Pub
No GF Menu
100% of 2 votes say it's celiac friendly
1 rating
Dorfstrasse 1, 8596 Scherzingen, Switzerland
$ • Thai Restaurant
No GF Menu
1 rating
Hans-Sauerbruch-Straße 2, 78467 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Hotel
No GF Menu
1 rating
Bahnhofpl. 4, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
GF Menu
1 rating
Wollmatinger Str. 80, 78467 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Vietnamese Restaurant
No GF Menu
1 rating
Bodanstraße, im Lago 1/1.OG, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
1 rating
Bodanpl. 12 a, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
1 rating
Bodanpl. 9, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
1 rating
Kanzleistraße 3, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
Pastry Shop
No GF Menu
1 rating
Sigismundstraße 15, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
$$ • Gastropub
No GF Menu
1 rating
Ob. Laube 65, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
Grocery Store, Cafe
No GF Menu
1 rating
Mainaustraße 5, 78464 Konstanz, Germany
No GF Menu