Not that good, many other better pizza places in Manhattan/Fidi for gluten free.
— Not Much/None
— Below Average
Custom, personal sized, gluten free pizza with lots of options. The staff is very aware of celiac disease and always makes sure to wipe down surfaces and be mindful of cross contamination.
— Very
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
Great pizza, lots of fun toppings
— Gluten-free items are marked on the main menu
— Most/All
— Excellent
GF pizza totalmente contaminata. Non adatta ai celiaci.
— Not at all
— Some
— Average
Best pizza in Richmond. They have own trays for gluten free and it's not a thin tiny pizza cracker! It's made French bread style
— Somewhat
— Most/All
— Excellent
They still offer a gluten free crust and still ask if your gluten avoidance is because of an allergy or preference. They warned me that cross contamination was possible. I didn't notice if they changed gloves, but they used a clean pizza cutter. They did tell me that all toppings were gluten free except the veggie "meat" balls. I was also pleased that they offer vegan cheese and vegan chicken (which they assured me was gluten free). The pizza tasted great, and so far I haven't had any reactions.
— Somewhat
— Most/All
— Excellent
Had an amazing experience here! The staff members were very cautious, making sure that the counter was wiped down, the gloves were changed, and the pizzas were never touching the (although disinfected) counter. The pizza was delicious, and they have a wide range of options to choose from! Highly recommend this spot!
— Somewhat
— Some
— Excellent