GF menu items: Cider, Chicken Sandwiches, Bread/Buns, Burgers, Mozzarella Sticks & more
Featured review snippet "Located right next to Story Tavern (and run by the same owner), Ciderworks is a new location in Burbank to get lots of delicious GF barfood that would normally be off the table for Celiacs."
100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
GF menu items: Cider, Pork Ribs, Salad, Roasted Chicken, Chicken Salad & more
Featured review snippet "The cashier will give you a laminated allergy menu divided into sections such as wheat free, nut free, etc. there were plenty of GF options."
Featured review snippet "The server was super nice and aware of cross contact (items that may be exposed to CC due to the fryer are labeled as so on the GF menu)."