19 ratings
1221 Garnet Ave, San Diego, CA 92109
$ • Pizza Restaurant
No GF Menu
85% of 7 votes say it's celiac friendly
42 ratings
4615 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92116
$$$ • Pizza Restaurant
GF Menu
90% of 11 votes say it's celiac friendly
49 ratings
744 Ventura Pl, San Diego, CA 92109
$$ • Barbecue Restaurant
GF Menu
92% of 28 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
6 ratings
859 Hornblend St, San Diego, CA 92109
$$ • Indian Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
33 ratings
2218 Cable St, San Diego, CA 92107
$$ • Asian Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 11 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
34 ratings
4227 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA 92117
$ • Chinese Restaurant
GF Menu
84% of 19 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
7 ratings
4993 Niagara Ave, San Diego, CA 92107
$$ • Asian Restaurant
GF Menu
83% of 6 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
45 ratings
3211 Holiday Ct, La Jolla, CA 92037
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
92% of 25 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
21 ratings
3750 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego, CA 92110
$$ • Barbecue Restaurant
No GF Menu
100% of 7 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
30 ratings
2706 5th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
$$ • Mexican Restaurant
GF Menu
92% of 13 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
29 ratings
3986 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
93% of 16 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
5 ratings
715 J St, San Diego, CA 92101
$$ • Restaurant
GF Menu
100% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
10 ratings
668 Sixth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101
$$$$ • Brazilian Restaurant
GF Menu
90% of 10 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
4 ratings
2562 Laning Rd, San Diego, CA 92106
$$ • Pizza Restaurant
GF Menu
66% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
5 ratings
1640 Camino Del Rio N, San Diego, CA 92108
$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
66% of 3 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
6 ratings
3085 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92104
$ • Pizza Restaurant
No GF Menu
50% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
1 rating
2931 Camino Del Rio N, San Diego, CA 92108
GF Menu
Wings is mentioned in comments
58 ratings
610 W Ash St, San Diego, CA 92101
$ • Italian Restaurant
No GF Menu
71% of 7 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments
4 ratings
930 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101
$$ • Restaurant
No GF Menu
25% of 4 votes say it's celiac friendly
Wings is mentioned in comments